Hey Friends!

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Hey Friends!  Empty Hey Friends!

Post by lilhob Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:01 am

I thought id re-introduce myself Smile I am lilhob (formerly known as lttlehobbitz if anyone remembers) I have been on and off quite a bit the last year because we had a bit going on irl.

Ive moved to Israel (where my partner is from) and have a lot of time of my hands while waiting for a visa so have decided to come back and play for a little bit Smile

I am a pretty quiet player, I am usually doing quests/diaries/getting levels up - I am really wanting to get range to 70 but I get bored so easily haha maybe that will be the goal for the next 2 days. I don't know to much when it comes to playing the different games so I am not involved in the chat tooo much. However I am always happy to help if I can or lending items and just chatting in general.

Anyway I am happy to be back, I really like this clan and I was very happily surprised to see I still had a rank <3 yay

See ya on the field! <3

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by Guthran Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:03 pm

Welcome back lihob! I'm generally pretty quiet also but I like to be active on the off-site =]

Good luck on getting your range up and I hope everything goes well irl for you and your partner! =p

See you in game hopefully! =D

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by lilhob Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:10 pm

thanks Guthran! <3

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by Alexander Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:31 pm

Howdy lilhob,

It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope things IRL have calmed down and you're able to take care of yourself. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk to!


Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Join date : 2023-01-05

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by EvanK-Hell Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:35 pm

Nice to have you back with us, welcome back!!

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by B1oodDruid Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:34 am

Welcome back Lilhob! Do you got any big goals for your account?

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by shopferix Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:41 am

Heya lilhob and welcome back! 

I hope you are enjoying your move to Israel, hoping you find lots of time to explore and learn new things! 

All the best with your move and your OSRS journey, good luck completing SOTF as I saw you talking about in chat, was the quest boss I struggled with the most (so hopefully its all down hill from here!). 

See you around!

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

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Hey Friends!  Empty Re: Hey Friends!

Post by lilhob Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:53 am

Hey! No I havent killed him yet, I had to go meet some friends but i'll try again tonight 😅 ive tried 4 times now but I got reeeally close 1 time so i'm feeling positive.

My goal is to finish this quest then get Dark Graceful and inbetween that maybe go for Quest cape 😁 we will see..

Hey Friends!  YP5zkAJ

Posts : 236
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Age : 32
Join date : 2021-05-27


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