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Introduction Empty Introduction

Post by Samdak Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:26 am

Hi There,

I am somewhat recently returned player who has played off and on again for approximately 16 years.

I used to have a a 1954 total level ironman which was unfortunately hacked about 5 years ago and as such only recently came back the the game on a fresh account. I am currently making a 50/60 attack pure ( I haven't decided ) with the aim of seeing how far i can push a low defence account in PVM situations.

While i am still getting to grips with some of the newer content i am very familiar with all of the older stuff and i am always happy to pass on advice to new people.

Looking forward to talking to you all in game!

Posts : 1
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Join date : 2022-09-07

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Leaf Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:46 am

Yo Samdak!

Sorry to hear about your ironman, but playing on the 60 attack pure (or 50 if you decided that) sounds fun in the meantime! Can't wait to chat it up with you in-game, see you!

Posts : 94
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Join date : 2017-10-05

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Splindaugh Wed Sep 07, 2022 4:44 am

Nice to meet you Samdak! so sorry to hear you lost such a great account. I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have. There are a lot of very knowledgeable irons of all kinds if you have questions on anything. Cant wait to see you in game Smile

Introduction YP5zkAJ

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Age : 32
Join date : 2022-07-15


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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Shh Gg | Small Pulley Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:59 am

Welcome to the clan and back to the game Samdak! Good luck with the pure it'll be interesting to see how far you get in PvM with that build, any plans to ever go back to an ironman? See ya around Very Happy

There is Purity in Silence
Shh Gg | Small Pulley
Shh Gg | Small Pulley

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Age : 26
Join date : 2015-03-10

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by U H TRED Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:25 pm

welcome to the clan and welcome back to the game that none of us truly ever leave!

Introduction YP5zkAJ

Posts : 109
Reputation : 6
Age : 38
Join date : 2021-09-13


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