~~RESULTS ARE LIVE! ~2020 Collection Log Results!~ RESULTS ARE LIVE!~~

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~~RESULTS ARE LIVE! ~2020 Collection Log Results!~ RESULTS ARE LIVE!~~ Empty ~~RESULTS ARE LIVE! ~2020 Collection Log Results!~ RESULTS ARE LIVE!~~

Post by Mimikyutie Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:12 am

Ladies and gentlemen! I apologize for this thread being one day late, but our results for the 2020 Clan Collection Log have been finalized and the winners have been decided!

To begin, let's take a look at the raw data!

For the Boss Collection Log, our clan managed to collect 219/225 Drops. That's 97.33% of all the Boss Drops in the game.

For the Raids Collection Log, our clan managed to collect 31/36 Drops. That's 86.11% of all the Raid Drops in the game.

For the Clue Collection Log, our clan managed to collect 526/663 Drops. That's 79.34% of all the Clue Drops in the game.

For the Grand Total, our clan managed to collect 776/924 Drops. That's 83.98% of ALL DROPS in the game.

What an amazing achievement! I wagered that we would be lucky to surpass 75% of all drops, but I'm absolutely FLOORED by how much we were able to surpass that estimate. We were able to witness some amazing drops this year and the documented list of those drops were documented HERE, if you'd like to see the raw results!

Now for the moment everyone is waiting for!

The clan member who was able to attribute the most Boss Drops this year was: DabbingBRB

The clan member who was able to attribute the most Raid Drops this year was: Thottobot

The clan member who was able to attribute the most Clue Drops this year was: Vespolar

To those who have won, please allow me the next day or so to orchestrate with the other event leaders for this log about your prizes. You'll hear from me very soon!

Thanks again to everyone who helped operate this event, ESPECIALLY Gamed and Vespolar. This would not have been nearly as effective if it weren't for your diligence. Seriously, thank you so much!

Keep an eye out for Clan Collection Log 2: Electric Boogaloo! Very Happy

~~RESULTS ARE LIVE! ~2020 Collection Log Results!~ RESULTS ARE LIVE!~~ M38wJkj

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Join date : 2019-02-17

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