Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by SkaryBoi Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:04 pm

I'm SkaryBoi, otherwise known as Lolliwalsh for the time being on RS. Going to change my RS name soon but until then hello!

I stopped playing Runescape for a while on summer vacation as I had better things to do (blasphemy!) but now that school has started up again I can't think of a better way to spend my time than the XP gains. Started a new Ironman account recently (the one I registered this forum on) but have a normal account going by Inekore.

Anyway, I like to draw, make music, code, and play pretty much any video game I can get my hands on. I have two ferrets and one dog; all three of them are troublemakers.

I'm happy to be here in this clan and wish everyone the best of RNG!

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by Bear Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:18 pm

Hallo Skary,

Glad to see you decided to join us here on the forums as well Smile

Make sure you post your ferrets and dog in our picture sections sometime, else you risk the angry mob.

Good luck on the accounts and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything!

Hej hej! (Hello hello!) 14_04_10


AKA Bearadomin

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by Syllabic Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:40 pm

Hey Skary. Good to see you on the offsite. Do you pretty much just play your iron these days? That's the only account I've seen you on so far.

I wish I'd stopped playing over summer vacation, haha. Or, at least, in a COVID-free world I probably would have wished it. As things stand, it doesn't feel like I missed out on all that much. Sure would have be nice to be able to go back to the gym, though.

And hey, congrats to you for being so artistically inclined. Feel free to share if you ever get the urge. I'll just sit over in the corner and quietly seethe with jealousy Smile What kind of music do you make?

P.S. Post those ferrets ASAP. Bear's right; they'll tear you apart if you don't give them what they want.

Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Ineeda10

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by Tinnitus Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:06 pm

Hey Skary, 

Welcome to the offsite! Always love to see fellow irons in the clan. Love the game-mode - my main is certainly now my iron, and I haven't touched my other account in a very long time. 

Funny that you mentioned you have two ferrets, my roommates and I were thinking about getting one for the longest time, but sadly one of them wasn't on board with the idea.

Best of luck on the gains as well as in school. Be seeing ya!

Hej hej! (Hello hello!) 4068HaS

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by SkaryBoi Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:59 pm

Syllabic wrote:Do you pretty much just play your iron these days? That's the only account I've seen you on so far.
Yes, I let my non-IM run out of membership and waiting to get a bit more done on my iron until I start giving Jagex 11 dollars a month again. Looking to get most of the requirements for all of the achievement diaries and all free to play quests done. Going good so far!

Syllabic wrote:What kind of music do you make?
I'm pretty much a beginner right now, but I have a piano keyboard and a computer keyboard and I'm trying to make music with both. (aka mixing samples together with music programs) Attempting to get my hands on a guitar so I can go through that process as well, seems more intuitive than a piano in my opinion.

Tinnitus wrote:Always love to see fellow irons in the clan. Love the game-mode - my main is certainly now my iron, and I haven't touched my other account in a very long time.

Same. Normal made me feel like I was leeching off of other people and I love the feeling of being self sufficient. Even guilty about using plugins for my coding projects!

Tinnitus wrote:. . . my roommates and I were thinking about getting one for the longest time, but sadly one of them wasn't on board with the idea.
Kick that roommate out of the house and get a ferret. They do poop everywhere though and are just generally stinky. Kind of like a bigger mouse or guinea pig (not technically a rodent though!) DM me if you need ferret advice haha

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by Virtual Luck Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:22 pm

Virtual Luck
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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by Tinnitus Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:42 pm

Tinnitus wrote:. . . my roommates and I were thinking about getting one for the longest time, but sadly one of them wasn't on board with the idea.
Kick that roommate out of the house and get a ferret. They do poop everywhere though and are just generally stinky. Kind of like a bigger mouse or guinea pig (not technically a rodent though!) DM me if you need ferret advice haha

We figured as much, but seems to be worth it overall. Ferrets are AWESOME! Cheers man, will do.

Hej hej! (Hello hello!) 4068HaS

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by Spiritika Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:17 pm

Hi SkaryBoi,

Welcome to the clan. Smile

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Hej hej! (Hello hello!) Empty Re: Hej hej! (Hello hello!)

Post by CelticArrows Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:08 pm

Hey there, welcome to the clan and good luck with the ironman ^

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